Feeling Lost and somehow rootless, somehow apart? Try Steak

The past two times I've been to a restaurant, I've had the quasi-sensuous delight of eating steak, and relished every second, to the extent that I was oblivious to all the conversation being thrown way by my dining partner(s) (this often happens to me in restaurants, I slip in to a closed, womb-like, eerily silent world of rabid ingestion). I Felt more complete, more fulfilled, and a more wholesome/whole person afterwards...It felt like an act of primal, somehow essential agression...My friend John once proved his manhood to his father by eating a humungous steak in a restaurant somewhere in the deep south. Apparently it was part of a competition run by the restaurant...Something like "No-one has ever got through this steak before...Can you meet our challenge...?" John being John did so...
I wonder what kinds of action make one feel "restored", more complete, more part of the world? Why the hell eating steak should do this I don't know...I recall a conversation at an otherwise boring party with a very nice fellow - a therapist and drug counsellor, who wouldn't hurt a soul...He told me that he had been a dedicated, even obsessive, vegetarian, all his adult life...Then one day, out with his new partner, her child, and some friends, sitting in a restaurant, he savagely ordered a steak...And ate it, and enjoyed every second...And he never looked back.