Battery Life

Friday, July 09, 2004

Networked problem-solving?

I've been thinking around an idea for the past couple of days and need a sounding board, so here goes.
When you consider your problems, or those of your loved ones, do they ever strike you as in some way connected, or interconnected?
Ok, so here are some examples I can think of...
A heavy gambler could also be a heavy drinker, and could also have relationship problems.
Or, Someone suffering from obesity could also be suffering from money problems.
Or, someone who is "stuck in a rut" at work might might also be "stuck in a rut" at home.
So, when it comes to tackling problems how about doing a kind of mapping illustration on paper, or just in your own mind, of the ways in which the problems are connected?
Then how about making a decision in your own mind to "work on one of them this week" or something like that, with the certain knowledge that in helping to resolve this you will also help to resolve the problems/issues/behaviours that are interconnected with it...
So I suppose I am angling here at a kind of "networked problem-solving"...
The advantage of this approach to problem solving is that you can start small, really, really small...And have the full knowledge that if you resolve the small-scale issue, the large scale issues which are connected to it (in your mind-map) are also likely to be on the road to being sorted out.

Let's say you procrastinate on something like unpacking your shopping when you come in from the supermarket...Ok, find a way to get on with that one straight away...And get in to the habit of unpacking your shopping first thing, just as soon as you come in the door. Get that new habit figured out and scheduled in...Then maybe, just maybe, you will see that having resolved that procrastination behaviour you will notice that other behaviours on a large scale, over which you have endless procrastrinated in the past might just melt away.

If the problems can be networked then, well, so can the solutions?

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Listened to "Estrelita" by Manuel Ponce on a "Latin American Classics" CD, beautiful stuff.

The Secure Entrance Paradox

To the Residents...One of our engineers visited today to repair the fault in your Secure Entrance System. Unfortunately, we were unable to gain entrance. Please call the following number...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I wonder what leads to someone acquiring an addictive personality?

Old Times...

Struck by the energy of my parents' generation...Now in their sixties and early seventies, dashing around the place...Opera, theatre trips, concerts, dinner parties...Holidays.
Maybe they are having the great time now that we thought they were having in the actual 60s when we were growing up, when in fact they were screwed up, angst-ridden and working too hard then, like we are now.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Shipping forecast

Wow, listening to the shipping forecast on Radio 4 before heading for bed. It always comes on, last thing before the station shuts down for the night.
It occurs to me I'd hate to to be in charge of a ship and actually to have to listen to this thing in a serious sort of working way, rather than have it on in the background. "Winds increasing NE3 or 4 gradually increasing to Gale 8", sounds great in my cosy flat in NE London...Not sure how it would feel to be hearing in that in the radio room of a trawler in the North Sea - probably slightly different.


I hope the announcement of John Edwards as Kerry's running mate in the forthcoming US Presidential election will boost the fortunes of the Kerry campaign. From a UK perspective Kerry's campaign has appeared so far to be lacklustre, and lacking in colour, light and vision.

Sometimes I worry that Kerry is almost "too good" for the job...There's a sense in which his grasp of politics, his deep understanding of issues, and his natural intellect and sense of caution might just get in his way, and impede him from the direct contact he needs to make with some of the voters. I don't know anymore what the word or phrase is to describe what's missing - could it be "the personal touch", or could it be "charisma".

I don't know...Kerry is clearly a man of integrity, depth, intellect with an understanding of America's place in America itself, and the world. But these qualities may not be enough to take a whole nation in to his trust at the ballot box, or even to win over the posse of floating voters, on whom (so we are told) the outcome of the Presidential vote actually depends.

From here, we can but watch and wait, and hope...In America, Democrats and waverers can do a little bit more of course!