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From the following review:
"At Carnegie Hall when I walked out on stage, there was no doubt in my mind that these people were ready for whatever happened and that's not true of a lot of places I play," the 61-year-old jazz pianist said. "Carnegie Hall couldn't have happened without the audience. It wasn't like me tossing things out to them and them catching them. It was both directions all the time. . . . I wasn't prepared for that kind of interplay ever happening between an audience and the stage. I've had great audiences but this was almost a small miracle. I've only felt this twice, once was in Koln and once was in
Jarrett's audiences have always helped shape his improvised solo concerts, and playing in his own country before 3,000 enthusiastic fans pushed him to create what turned into a musical autobiography, "a wide-angle look at what I do when I play alone."
Seems to coincide with the review I posted on Amazon here re. the role of the audience at this concert:
Word (Microsoft) - Typing Exercise
1. Open a new word document
2. Type "=rand(200,99)" (without the quotes)
3. Press enter
4. Wait a few second and see
5. try typing after "=rand" any variation from (1,1) to (200,99)to see different results; the first number being the repetition and second the number of times in a row...