Battery Life

Thursday, August 04, 2005

New Graphics card

Install went well in the end. Though initially the install of the graphics card somehow prevented the sound card from being picked up by Windows. I got round this by reseating the sound card in a different PCI slot.

Seemed to do the trick. Though it made me think once again that hardware management, new devices etc., should not be that difficult, and that PCs will never truly break in to the mainstream if they experience these kinds of problems putting in new devices....

Most end users would not have a clue what to do if their sound card stopped being recognised on the installation of a new graphics card.

No wonder propietary gaming machines, like X-Boxes, are so popular...!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

New graphics Card...

Hmmmm....We live in interesting times. About to install a new 6600GT Graphics card...! Purely for the benefit of computer gaming research of course!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Lovely song - dreadful title

Listening to a William Ackerman song, beautiful, but with a horrendous title:
"In search of the turtle's navel"


Interesting site
A Spiritual Diablog

Don't let your dreams...

Don't let your dreams stand in the way of what you really want to do...

Proms are passing me by this year...!
Must try to catch up...!

Elgar on the No. 38 Bus...

Listening to blisteringly passionate and tuneful Elgar Choral music on a No. 38 Bus as we pause to pick up passengers at Dalston Junction, 9.45 AM.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Buses quieter...

Buses quiter in Central London today...Smooth ride from E17 in to town. Seems to be related to the schools being "out"...School holidays seem to clear London traffic!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Playing the piano in church is great...!

This morning I felt tired and "not in the mood", but as soon as I started playing for the ever-enthusiastic congregation everyhing felt different and I was completely uplifted.